Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Behavior

Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior

This is not the the full Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior, but it is a basic outline of Abnormal Behavior's with sample traits.


Abnormal Behavior

1.) Hypochondriasis: abnormal anxiety about one's health, esp. with an unwarranted fear that one has a serious disease.

 Example: My stomach frequently bothers me. At times, my body seems to ache all over.

 Traits: Many physical complaints, cynical defeatist attitudes, often perceived as whiny, demanding.

 2.) Depression: Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.

 Example: Nothing seems to interest me anymore. My sleep is often disturbed by worrisome thoughts.

 Traits: Depressed mood; pessimistic, worrisome, despondent, lethargic

 3.) Hysteria: A mental disorder characterized by emotional excitability and sometimes by amnesia or a physical deficit, such as paralysis, or a sensory deficit, without an organic cause.

 Example: I sometimes become flushed for no apparent reason. I tend to take people at their word when they’re trying to be nice to me.

 Traits: Naive, egocentric, little insight into problems, immature; develops physical complaints in response to stress

 4.) Psychopathic deviate: Psychopathic deviation is characterized by the following symptoms: asocial or amoral tendencies, lack of life satisfaction, family problems, delinquency, sexual problems, as well as discomfort in social situations.

 Example: My parents often disliked my friends. My behavior sometimes got me into trouble at school.

 Traits: Difficulties incorporating values of society, rebellious, impulsive, antisocial tendencies; strained family relationships; poor work and school history

 5.) Masculinity-Femininity: gender identity disorder.

  Example: I like reading about electronics. (M) I would like to work in the theater. (F)

 Traits: Males endorsing feminine attributes: have cultural and artistic interests, effeminate, sensitive, passive; Females endorsing male interests: Aggressive, masculine, self-confident, active, assertive, vigorous

 6.) Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.

 Example: I would have been more successful in life but people didn’t give me a fair break. It’s not safe to trust anyone these days.

 Traits: Suspicious, guarded, blames others, resentful, aloof, may have paranoid delusions

 7.) Schizophrenia: a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

 Example: Things seem unreal to me at times. I sometimes hear things that other people can’t hear. 

Traits: Confused and illogical thinking, feels alienated and misunderstood, socially isolated or withdrawn, may have blatant psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations or delusional beliefs, or may lead detached, schizoid lifestyle

 8.) Hypomania: a mild form of mania, marked by elation and hyperactivity.

 Example: I sometimes take on more tasks than I can possibly get done. People have noticed that my speech is sometimes pressured or rushed.

 Traits: Energetic, possibly manic, impulsive, optimistic, sociable, active, flighty, irritable, may have overly inflated or grandiose self-image or unrealistic plans

 9.) Social Introversion: an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

 Example: I don’t like loud parties. I was not very active in school activities.

 Traits: Shy, inhibited, withdrawn, introverted, lacks self confidence, reserved, anxious in social situations

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder is a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom. Generalized anxiety disorder Agoraphobia Social anxiety disorder Phobias Panic disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder Separation anxiety.

Anxiety Disorders

Acute Stress Disorder:
Acute stress Disorder is a psychological condition arising in response to a terrifying or traumatic event. It should not be confused with the unrelated circulatory condition of shock, or the concept of shock value.

Panic Disorder:
Panic Disorder is a psychiatric disorder in which debilitating anxiety and fear arise frequently and without reasonable cause.

Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder:
Agoraphobia without a history of panic disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme fear of experiencing panic symptoms, of panic attacks. Agoraphobia typically develops as a result of having panic disorder.

Social Phobia:
Social Phobia is any phobia (other than agoraphobia) associated with situations in which you are subject to criticism by others as fear of eating in public or public speaking etc.

Specific Phobia: (formerly Simple Phobia)
Specific Phobia is a generic term for any kind of anxiety disorder that amounts to an unreasonable or irrational fear related to exposure to specific objects or situations.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry; by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety; or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and to the outside world.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling or lightheadedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months.

Mood Disorders

Mood Disorders

What is a Mood Disorder? It is a psychological disorder characterized by the elevation or lowering of a person's mood, such as depression or bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder Major depressive disorder Cyclothymic disorder.

Mood Disorders

Major Depressive Disorder:

Major Depressive Disorder or True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer.

Manic Depression Bipolar Disorder:

Manic Depression Bipolar Disorder is a condition in which a person has periods of depression and periods of being extremely happy or being cross or irritable.

Cyclothymic Disorder:

Cyclothymic Disorder cyclothymia is a mild bipolar disorder that persists over a long time

Dysthymic Disorder:

Dysthymia is a chronic type of depression in which a person's moods are regularly low. However, symptoms are not as severe as with major depression.

Personality Disorders

Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions in which a person has a long-term pattern of behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that is very different from his or her culture's expectations.

1.) Borderline personality disorder:
Borderline personality disorder is a cluster-B personality disorder whose essential features are a pattern of marked impulsivity and instability of affects, interpersonal relationships, and self image.

BPD Symptoms | BPD Cause's | BPD Treatment | BPD Video

2.) Narcissistic personality disorder:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.

NPD Symptoms | NPD Cause's | NPD Treatment | NPD Video

3.) Antisocial personality disorder:
a personality disorder characterized by amorality and lack of affect; capable of violent acts without guilt feelings (`psychopathic personality' was once widely used but was superseded by `sociopathic personality' to indicate the social aspects of the disorder, but now `antisocial personality.

APD Symptoms | APD Cause's | APD Treatment | APD Video

4.) Obsessive Compulsive disorder:
Obsessive–compulsive personality disorder, also called anankastic personality disorder, is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, mental and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

OCD Symptoms | OCD Cause's | OCD Treatment | OCD Video

5.) Histrionic personality disorder:
Histrionic personality disorder is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotions and attention-seeking, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval.

6.) Avoidant personality disorder:
Avoidant personality disorder, also known as anxious personality disorder, is a Cluster C personality disorder recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders handbook as afflicting a person when they display a pervasive pattern of social inhibition.

7.) Paranoid personality disorder:
Paranoid personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others

8.) Schizoid personality disorder:
Schizoid personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, emotional coldness, and apathy.

9.) Dependent personality disorder:
Dependent personality disorder, formerly known as asthenic personality disorder, is a personality disorder that is characterized by a pervasive psychological dependence on other people.

10.) Schizotypal disorder:
Schizotypal personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by a need for social isolation, anxiety in social situations, odd behavior and thinking, and often unconventional beliefs.

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Personality Disorders

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